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Greater New Orleans Child Injury Attorney

“Bold and deliberate representation is my hallmark. I want my clients’ adversaries to know that we will fight for the best possible position" - Donald D'Aunoy, Jr.

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Unfortunately, not all accident victims are adults. Children are often victimized by the negligence of others resulting in their injury. Donald D’Aunoy Jr. has represented numerous parents making child injury claims on their children’s behalf.
In child injury cases, children are entitled to the same damages as adults. Children are entitled to pain and suffering and past and future medical expenses. A child’s claim is pursued by his or her natural tutor, which typically is the child’s father. If a lawsuit is filed in court, the natural tutor is named as a plaintiff in addition to the injured child. Often, the child and his or her parents will be required to give a deposition. Donald D’Aunoy Jr. helps prepare the families for this ordeal so that they will know what to expect and to reduce stress on the family.
Child with head injury.
If you need legal assistance, the first step is talking to an experienced attorney about your situation.

Has your child been injured? Call Lawyer Don Today.

Donald D’Aunoy Jr. takes children’s personal injury claims as seriously as adult claims. He works quickly to preserve and gather evidence necessary to prove liability in favor of the children. He also works quickly to obtain all medical evidence to prove the children’s damages. Mr. D’Aunoy works with the families to ensure that the child is seeing the right doctor to evaluate and treat the child’s injuries.

Because minors can be more emotionally fragile than adults, Donald D’Aunoy Jr. will in appropriate cases retain medical experts qualified to evaluate a child for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In some cases, a child will be able to recover emotional damages for PTSD in addition to pain and suffering.
A child may also have a lost wage claim, if it can be proved that the child’s injury resulted in the child’s inability to return to work. If the child is a recipient of Medicaid or private health insurance, Mr. D’Aunoy will determine if any liens are levied against the case for accident related medical expenses paid by the State of Louisiana or private health insurance company.

Donald D’Aunoy Jr. is a compassionate and caring attorney that will take time to ensure that a child’s version of the accident and injuries are heard and considered. Mr. D’Aunoy will personally meet with an injured child and his or her parents to answer the family’s questions and ensure all is being done to move the child’s case in the right direction.

Mr. D’Aunoy takes particular care to ensure that the best result is achieved for the injured child and the child’s family. If your child was injured in an accident, call Law Office of Donald D’Aunoy Jr., LLC today for a free case evaluation.
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    From your first call, you speak to a lawyer. We never delegate. In addition, you always have access to Lawyer Don by email and phone.
    We offer a risk free initial consultation, in person, over the phone, or even at your home – or the hospital.
    Our firm never charges a penny upfront in contingency fee cases. We only get paid – if, and when, we win your case.
    Lawyer Don can come to you, regardless of where you are – in order to get you the legal help you need.
    Lawyer Don has helped clients win millions in verdicts and settlements throughout the years. Put our experience to work for you – when it matters the most.
    Meet and talk with Lawyer Don regularly to stay informed about your case. Speak with your attorney regularly.
  • Lawyer Don Personal Injury Attorney
    “My goal is to reduce my clients’ stress: I want my clients to rest easy knowing that I am working hard for them and watchful of their best interests as if I were in their shoes.” - Donald D'Aunoy, Jr.

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